To share experiences To describe ideas To tell stories
To share experiences
To describe ideas
To tell stories
We went to use this
Magazine were colorful moment
Number of culture and Internet experiment
There’s place to memory that
A moment survived and a destroy was lost
We asked ourselves how can we stories trucly in pattern
Today we placed to introduce stampsy
A home for visual thinkers
A part for visual American
or creat collections on your own
We create contributors
Attract followers
Share your ownership
Stampsy even a patison
我们见过很多好玩有趣的2D MG动画,而Stampsy的这部宣传片仿佛将二维的MG动画变成了一部三维的,画面中所有涉及到的元素全都进行了立体效果的制作,和2D的MG动画截然区分开来,创意和风格都相当独特。要将这些元素三维化,并且产生如此光滑的效果,将整体画面制作得如此干净无暇,着实让人佩服。
这是Stampsy.com的一部颇具创意与风格的网站宣传片,旨在解释“a single place to share, curate and discover visual content that tells a story”的网站理念。Stampsy是Tumblr和Pinterest相结合而诞生的,在这里可以自由方便地创建美丽的相片故事、情绪收集版、视觉杂记等等,你还可以进行各种收集,而这些收集也会显示在你的Stampsy页面上。
365天 x 8 小时 网站咨询,秒回
365天 x 24 小时 客户经理电话,不关机!